Tuesday, December 26, 2006

* Jihad against Jews and Crusaders

Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders

World Islamic Front Statement

Shaykh Usamah Bin-Muhammad Bin-Ladin
Ayman al-Zawahiri, amir of the Jihad Group in Egypt
Abu-Yasir Rifa'i Ahmad Taha, Egyptian Islamic Group
Shaykh Mir Hamzah, secretary of the Jamiat-ul-Ulema-e-Pakistan
Fazlur Rahman, amir of the Jihad Movement in Bangladesh

Praise be to Allah, who revealed the Book, controls the clouds, defeats factionalism, and says in His Book: "But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war)"; and peace be upon our Prophet, Muhammad Bin-'Abdallah, who said: I have been sent with the sword between my hands to ensure that no one but Allah is worshipped, Allah who put my livelihood under the shadow of my spear and who inflicts humiliation and scorn on those who disobey my orders.

The Arabian Peninsula has never -- since Allah made it flat, created its desert, and encircled it with seas -- been stormed by any forces like the crusader armies spreading in it like locusts, eating its riches and wiping out its plantations. All this is happening at a time in which nations are attacking Muslims like people fighting over a plate of food. In the light of the grave situation and the lack of support, we and you are obliged to discuss current events, and we should all agree on how to settle the matter.

No one argues today about three facts that are known to everyone; we will list them, in order to remind everyone:
First, for over seven years the United States has been occupying the lands of Islam in the holiest of places, the Arabian Peninsula, plundering its riches, dictating to its rulers, humiliating its people, terrorizing its neighbors, and turning its bases in the Peninsula into a spearhead through which to fight the neighboring Muslim peoples.
If some people have in the past argued about the fact of the occupation, all the people of the Peninsula have now acknowledged it. The best proof of this is the Americans' continuing aggression against the Iraqi people using the Peninsula as a staging post, even though all its rulers are against their territories being used to that end, but they are helpless.

Second, despite the great devastation inflicted on the Iraqi people by the crusader-Zionist alliance, and despite the huge number of those killed, which has exceeded 1 million... despite all this, the Americans are once against trying to repeat the horrific massacres, as though they are not content with the protracted blockade imposed after the ferocious war or the fragmentation and devastation.
So here they come to annihilate what is left of this people and to humiliate their Muslim neighbors.

Third, if the Americans' aims behind these wars are religious and economic, the aim is also to serve the Jews' petty state and divert attention from its occupation of Jerusalem and murder of Muslims there. The best proof of this is their eagerness to destroy Iraq, the strongest neighboring Arab state, and their endeavor to fragment all the states of the region such as Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Sudan into paper statelets and through their disunion and weakness to guarantee Israel's survival and the continuation of the brutal crusade occupation of the Peninsula.

All these crimes and sins committed by the Americans are a clear declaration of war on Allah, his messenger, and Muslims. And ulema have throughout Islamic history unanimously agreed that the jihad is an individual duty if the enemy destroys the Muslim countries.

This was revealed by Imam Bin-Qadamah in "Al- Mughni," Imam al-Kisa'i in "Al-Bada'i," al-Qurtubi in his interpretation, and the shaykh of al-Islam in his books, where he said: "As for the fighting to repulse [an enemy], it is aimed at defending sanctity and religion, and it is a duty as agreed [by the ulema]. Nothing is more sacred than belief except repulsing an enemy who is attacking religion and life."

On that basis, and in compliance with Allah's order, we issue the following fatwa to all Muslims: The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies -- civilians and military -- is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it, in order to liberate the al-Aqsa Mosque and the holy mosque [Mecca] from their grip, and in order for their armies to move out of all the lands of Islam, defeated and unable to threaten any Muslim. This is in accordance with the words of Almighty Allah, "and fight the pagans all together as they fight you all together," and "fight them until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah."
This is in addition to the words of Almighty Allah: "And why should ye not fight in the cause of Allah and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)? -- women and children, whose cry is: 'Our Lord, rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from thee one who will help!'"

We -- with Allah's help -- call on every Muslim who believes in Allah and wishes to be rewarded to comply with Allah's order to kill the Americans and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it. We also call on Muslim ulema, leaders, youths, and soldiers to launch the raid on Satan's U.S. troops and the devil's supporters allying with them, and to displace those who are behind them so that they may learn a lesson.

Almighty Allah said: "O ye who believe, give your response to Allah and His Apostle, when He calleth you to that which will give you life. And know that Allah cometh between a man and his heart, and that it is He to whom ye shall all be gathered."

Almighty Allah also says: "O ye who believe, what is the matter with you, that when ye are asked to go forth in the cause of Allah, ye cling so heavily to the earth! Do ye prefer the life of this world to the hereafter? But little is the comfort of this life, as compared with the hereafter. Unless ye go forth, He will punish you with a grievous penalty, and put others in your place; but Him ye would not harm in the least. For Allah hath power over all things."

Almighty Allah also says: "So lose no heart, nor fall into despair. For ye must gain mastery if ye are true in faith."

Saturday, December 23, 2006

* Fatwa Regarding the Saudi Ibleesi Regime

Fatwa Regarding the Saudi Regime
by Shaykh Abu Baseer Mustafa Haleemah

I think it is not hidden from the likes of you what has happened and is now happening in the Arabian Peninsula under the Saudi rule... If you would - may Allah preserve you - direct the youths to what is obligatory for them to do, especially since the government has begun to target the people of Iman and Jihad, either by imprisoning them or killing them, and what happened to Shaykh Yusuf al-'Uyayri is not far from us... So groups of the youths have now decided to take revenge for what the Saudi government has done or will do. So some of them have begun to buy weapons. And other groups of the youths fear that there will be a repeat in the Arabian Peninsula of that which occurred in Algeria, but at the same time they see that a great Fitnah and killing is about to take place, especially if the Saudi government continues to restrict the people of knowledge and Jihad. So they view that it is necessary for them to buy weapons, from handguns to explosives, and to train with them in order to defend themselves and their families in the event of a civil war or revolution or the like.

These youths have - among those who answer their questions and share their concerns - 'Ulama' whom they trust in terms of their knowledge, and who live in the Peninsula and witness the situation there and see it around them. However, as you know - may Allah bless you - the houses of these 'Ulama' have been besieged, and they have been led away to prison, to remain there for an indefinite period. This is if they are convicted of rebellion.

And the government has even fabricated lies about these 'Ulama', for when they arrested Shaykh 'Ali al-Khudhayr, Shaykh Nasir al-Fahd and Shaykh Ahmad al-Khalidi, they broadcast that they found along with these Mashayikh weapons and explosives! And before that, they accused them of founding a group called "The Muwahhideen for the overthrow of the Saudi government", and that they had a hand in the explosions that occurred in Riyadh, even though the Mashayikh - may Allah preserve them - had denied both accusations!

O Shaykh, the youths are confused and afraid at the same time. For they fear for themselves to even ask about what is obligatory upon them to do. And if they ask someone, the one who is asked will usually shy away from the question, and will summarise and not give details. The integrity of the Committee of Major Scholars (Hay'at Kibaril-'Ulama') has fallen in the eyes of many of the youths, and they look at any statement from the Committee of Major Scholars as if it is a statement from the Interior Ministry or another Ministry... for this reason, we hope that you will give us an explanation and advice.


All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists.

This is a big question... I wished that the Saudi regime would not push the youths to the extent that they would be forced to send the like of this question... and I have received many questions similar to it. I wished from the Saudi regime - in observance of the sacredness of the two noble Haramayn, and its peaceful worshippers - that it would not put itself in this position, and that it would leave us alone as we have left it alone, but it has insisted on brandishing the stick, and on mistreating us, and being an open enemy, and being a helper to the Tawagheet of the infidels in the world against the Muslim Muwahhideen from the people of the Peninsula and outside of it, in the name of "fighting terrorism"... even though they themselves are the masters of terrorism and criminality.

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to mention the following facts:
[1] The Saudi regime is a mixture of Haqq (truth) and Batil (falsehood). The Haqq aspect of it tends to be restricted to verbal claims, such as the outward symbols of Tawhid on their flag, and their claim that they are an Islamic, Salafi state, and that they implement the Islamic Shari'ah, and other than that from the great claims that we wish they were truthful in... and these continue to deceive many of the people!
As for their Batil, then it tends to manifest itself physically, in the real world... and it is clearer proof of the reality of their regime than what they claim with the tongue. And examples of this falsehood may be found in the following:

[a] It is a regime that does not rule by what Allah has revealed in every aspect of life, particular and general, rather it is a regime that rules by what Allah revealed in certain cases to the exclusion of other cases... it believes in part of the Book and disbelieves in part... and this may be noticed easily by anyone who would like to observe the Saudi legal system... and this contradicts many of the Shar'i texts that obligate referring the judgement back to the Book and the Sunnah in every aspects, as in the Saying of Allah (ta'ala) [meaning]:
"So if you differ in anything, then refer it back to Allah and the Messenger, in you really believe in Allah and in the Last Day. That is better, and more suitable for a final explanation."

So His Saying (ta'ala): "...in anything..." is a general term that indicates anything and everything in which people might differ.

It is an immature regime, convinced - as it has been for a long time - that it is not capable of relying on itself or its people for support,... So in the past, Al Sa'ud stretched out their hands to the British in order to help them strengthen their kingdom and authority against the Ikhwan movement, the followers of Shaykh Muhammad ibn 'Abdil-Wahhab (rahimahullah) and others... to the extent that the founder of the Saudi state used to receive a salary from the British, as one of his own grandsons clearly stated.

And today - at the hands of the sons of 'Abdul-'Aziz - the regime throws itself completely into the lap of America, going along with its policies, responding to its every desire in exchange that it (America) will protect and defend it (the Saudi regime), and not abandon it or work to change it... even though the Saudi regime - if it was sincere in its claim to Islam, and that it is the protector of its territory - would be able, with the aid of its religious population, and with the aid of the tremendous material resources it possesses, to organise one of the mightiest armies in the world, able to strike fear into the heart of America, an army possessing power and a firm 'Aqidah... however unfortunately they have not done any of that.

Its position is that of any other Arab regime... it does no more than to prepare an army to defend the ruling regime from its own people in the event of any attempt to change or oppose it... upon the principle "a lion against me, but an ostrich in war"!

[b][c] It is a racist, nationalist regime that allies or opposes on the basis of relation with the nation. It divides rights and obligations among the slaves of Allah on the basis of relation with the Saudi nation and its borders, and not on the basis of relation with the 'Aqidah and the religion... in the same manner as any other Arab regime.

And this is clear Kufr (Kufr Bawah) as the Saudi Permanent Committee (al-Lajnah ad-Da'imah) for Ifta' have themselves said in one of their Fatawa: "Whoever does not distinguish between the Jews and the Christians and the other infidels and between the Muslims except by nationality, and makes all of their rulings equal, then he is a Kafir."

And they were correct in that, however our question to these esteemed ones is this: Is not the Saudi regime like this? Is it other than what you have described? Is it not that the Kafir, Zindeeq (heretic) Saudi - because of his nationality and his connection with the Saudi state - enjoys certain rights, favours, and privileges that "Shaykhul-Islam" from outside Sa'udiyyah does not?

The problem of single unmarried women has reached its peak, yet along with that - according to the law - the Saudi woman is not allowed to be married to a man with whose religion and character she is pleased if he does not belong to the borders of the Saudi nation... and likewise, the Saudi man is not allowed to marry outside Sa'udiyyah until he has reached a certain advanced age, along with fulfilling certain conditions, and after receiving special royal permission, for which Allah has not sent down any authority... the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa-sallam) spoke truly when he said: "If you do not (marry), there will be Fitnah and widespread evil in the earth."

[d] It is a regime which along with its army has not shown any support - whether real or pretended - towards any of the important issues facing the Muslims today... Show me a single Islamic Jihadi movement that wished to establish an Islamic life in their countries and lift the oppression of the Tawagheet, that the Saudi regime or its army - not the Muslim Saudi population - provided help or support?

Hundreds of massacres of the Muslims have occurred in their countries... the lands usurped and the rights of the inhabitants violated... so what was the stance of the Saudi regime and its army? Nothing! The most they could do is to allow the Mashayikh to make Du'a' for the Muslims... or to collect a few monetary donations to pacify the anger of the people, and send them to the representative body of the state that is slaughtering the Muslims, as occurred when they sent the donations of the Saudi people to the Muslims in Chechnya via the murderous Russian state, so that it used this money to increase the atrocities and massacres that it was inflicting on the Muslims!

Tell me - if only once - that the Saudi regime and its army have ever shown anger for the sake of Allah and the 'Aqidah... just once!

The Hindus have been slaughtering the Muslims in India and Kashmir for years... yet along with that, the Saudi regime maintains perfect diplomatic and non-diplomatic ties with India!
The Muslims in Chechnya have been slaughtered at the hands of the Russian crusaders for years... yet along with that, the Saudi regime maintains perfect diplomatic ties with Russia!

The Muslims in the Philippines have been slaughtered for years at the hands of the Philippine crusaders... yet along with that, the Saudi regime maintains perfect diplomatic ties with the Philippines! And it seeks a helping hand from them, as if there was nothing wrong!

America invaded Afghanistan, and lately they invaded Iraq, and it is behind every massacre that is perpetrated at the hands of the Zionist Jews in Palestine... yet along with that, the Saudi regime maintains perfect diplomatic, economic, military and brotherly ties with America! And it gives away its petrol to America and to other countries, all of whom supply the Zionist occupation of Palestine... and today the Saudi regime is leading the Arabs - with all its pomp and arrogance - in a process of total surrender to the Zionist state of the Jews!

Even communist China... the Saudi regime has good diplomatic ties and friendship with it!
The list is extensive... Bring me a single state that wages war against Islam and the Muslims - and how many of them there are - from which the Saudi regime ever cut relations with because of its waging war against Islam and the Muslims... you will not find a single one!

A regime that shows no anger for the sake of Allah, not even once... and does not show alliance and enmity for Allah's sake, not even once... how can it be called Islamic? How?
How is it possible to harmonise between these facts and their claim that they rule by the Book and the Sunnah?

[e] It is a regime that does not hide its clear allegiance to the enemies of the Ummah in any battle that the enemy wages against the Ummah, and against Islam and the Muslims... Here is America, waging a vicious war against Islam and the Muslims, claiming that it is fighting "terrorism"... invading and occupying the Muslim lands... yet along with that it receives nothing from the Saudi regime except for concessions, and all types of support and aid... until it has even prevented the Muslims from even making Du'a' against America in their Masajid! And the news of the American military bases in the Arabian Peninsula is not far off from us!

[f] It is a regime that has abolished Jihad in the Way of Allah, indeed erased it from its vocabulary and thinking, it has waged war against its people and hunted them down, imprisoned their 'Ulama', and put together an army that has no other purpose but to protect the Saudi throne and the Saudi regime!

[g] The Saudi regime has entered into treaties, alliances, constitutions and organisations stemming from the United Nations and others... all of which oppose and contradict the Shari'ah of Allah (ta'ala).

[h] It is a regime that funds and hosts many TV channels that propagate immorality and Kufr, and likewise it funds and hosts many newspapers and magazines - national, international, and local - that propagate Kufr, atheism and secularism, and their names are well-known among the people... and it follows that it is responsible for them all, and everything that is propagated and broadcast therein!

It is a regime that when the king is insulted, or his high status called into question, the one who did so will be identified and dragged out from his hiding place, and subjected to the severest kinds of torture and imprisonment and penalties, and may even be killed... yet when Allah is insulted openly in broad daylight - as in the worthless story "al-Karadeeb" written by the Saudi Zindeeq, Turki al-Hamd, in which he said: "So Allah and the Shaytan are two faces of a single invention"!! - he is left without any objection or account, free to roam throughout the land as he wishes... and indeed, his books and stories full of Kufr and heresy are allowed to be printed by the Saudi state with complete freedom!!

Do you not see that if it was said: "Fahd or the crown prince and the Shaytan are two faces of a single invention" that the writer would be able to sleep a single night in his home? Or that his books would be allowed to be printed and distributed?!!

Is this how the "State of Tawhid" - as they claim - should be? The ruling king is greater and higher in status than Allah (ta'ala) - may He be Exalted and Glorified?!!
And if it is said: Maybe the king or the crown prince does not know all of this?
I say: So how is it then that they know about everyone who speaks about their king and their ruler, or one of their princes, even if his speech is in secret on the telephone... yet they are unaware of what is written, printed, and distributed among the people?!!

Allah (ta'ala) spoke the truth about them when He said [meaning]:
[i]"And from the people are those who take rivals besides Allah, loving them as they love Allah. And those who believe have more love for Allah. And if the oppressors could see when they witness the torment, that all power belongs to Allah, and that Allah is Severe in torment."

And He (ta'ala) said [meaning]:
"What is wrong with you, that you give no reverence to Allah, when He has created you in stages?"

[j] The Saudi regime, represented by its rulers and princes, is instrumental in usurping the wealth and resources of the Ummah. So a part of it is poured into the pockets and the bellies of the rulers and princes, so that they can spend it on satisfying their desires and lusts as they pleases... and they are above being questioned or brought to account, no matter how much one of them might spend... and they are above being asked: "Where did you get that?"...

And a bigger part of that is poured into the pockets and the interests of the enemies of the Ummah... As for the helpless and oppressed people who cannot do anything, they are left to feed of the scraps that fall from the tables of these wasteful, oppressive Tawagheet!
So all of these faces together - and there are many more that we have not mentioned - bring us to the certain conclusion that the Saudi regime is an un-Islamic, Kafir regime... Islam is in one valley, and the regime of Al Sa'ud is in another valley. Likewise, everyone who supports, protects, and defends this regime from among the kings, princes and other than them from their associates who carry out their will, they are all Kuffar and apostates. And it is not befitting for anyone who knows the religion of Allah and who knows the reality of this regime and its supporters to doubt this fact.

And what we say regarding the Saudi regime, we likewise say the same regarding its oppressive army, for it is an army just like any of the other Arab armies, put together for the sole purpose of aiding the Tawagheet and defending their thrones and their interests. So it is an army that turns along with the desires of the ruling Taghut, with its allegiance and enmity based on that... making peace with whoever the Taghut makes peace, even if he is a Kafir at war against Islam and the Muslims, and making war with whoever the Taghut makes war, even if he is one of the best people on the earth.

It is unknown that it has ever waged a single battle in the Way of Allah, despite the abundance of battlefields... So it is impossible that an army of this description can be considered an Islamic army, even if most of its troops and commanders establish the Prayer, for this might save an individual among them, however it is impossible for us to describe or the army as a whole, with its organisation and purposes, as Islamic or to rule it as Islamic, or that it is the army that wages Jihad in the Way of Allah to make the Word of Allah superior!
[2] The foregoing ruling on the regime is a general one, and it does not imply by necessity the Kufr of everyone who argues on behalf of the regime or enters into its supporters; and this is due to the many misconceptions and illusions that people have regarding this regime, which are propagated by the Mashayikh and agents of the Sultan... Therefore, in order to apply this ruling to individuals it is necessary for the conditions of Takfeer to be fulfilled, along with the absence of any nullifying factors.

For many of those who argue of behalf of this regime are unaware of the realities that we have previously mentioned... and many of those who are aware of them do not believe them... and many of those who do believe them are unaware that they are Mukaffirah (i.e. take a person out of Islam and make him a Kafir)... and many of those who know that they are Mukaffirah will say to you: "I follow our great Mashayikh, they know more than me or you, and they have given me a Fatwa different to what you have given and explained"... and all of this needs to be taken into account when applying a ruling to individuals from among the people who argue on behalf of this regime and on behalf of the Tawagheet ruling this regime!

[3] It is not allowed to take the foregoing ruling on the regime and apply it to the whole Saudi society or its organisations, for the Saudi society is a Muslim society, and its people are predominantly religious and they establish the Prayer, and to Allah belongs all praise.

[4] Some of the mistakes of the people of knowledge regarding this regime are due to a number of matters:

[a] One of them is that many of the Mashayikh and Du'at see only the good side of the regime, and they do not want to see from it other than this side, neither to hear from it except from this side... Therefore, you see one of them when he speaks, saying: "The Waliyyul-Amr - may Allah preserve him! - ordered the building of the Masajid... and printing the Masahif... and building schools for memorising the Qur'an... and he ordered the printing of such-and-such book at his own personal expense..." And he will say more than once: "We rule by the Book and the Sunnah... and all praise is due to Allah that He has granted us an Imam and a king like this!"
And it has escaped these unaware ones, who have strayed and caused others to stray, that the regime is incapable of doing more than the aforementioned things... and what they have mentioned about their regime is also done and claimed by many of the secularist, infidel Arab regimes, maybe moreso!

Another of them is that many of the Saudi Mashayikh and Du'at compare the situation of the other Arab regimes, and how their people suffer from religious persecution, with the Saudi regime... and one of them comes to the conclusion that the Saudi regime is a thousand times better than those regimes... and from there he begins to be happy with the regime, and maybe he might increase in his attachment to it, so he goes astray and leads others astray!

And we admit that the Saudi regime, despite its faults that we mentioned before, is better than many of the other Arab regimes... but this does not allow us to attach ourselves to or be happy with a Kafir regime, even if it the least in Kufr compared to the other regimes... So the issue in truth is a comparison between Kufr and a greater Kufr, or between greater Kufr and a Kufr even greater that it... and the issue does not go beyond this.

[b][c] Another of them is that there are those from among the Mashayikh and Du'at who live outside Sa'udiyyah, due to their need to perform the obligation of Hajj, and their affection for visiting the noble Haramayn, so you see them preferring to keep silent regarding the crimes of the regime and its acts of Kufr... and maybe they will compromise and exaggerate... so they go astray and lead others astray... and there is no strength or power except with Allah.

[5] So if it is said: Does the Kufr of the regime necessitate going out (Khuruj) against it? (i.e. fighting it and overthrowing it)

I say: Yes, from the Shar'i perspective it is Wajib (obligatory) to go out against it, however from the practical perspective, this has certain conditions, stages, and necessary preparations, and I do not see that it should be done before the fulfillment of these conditions, stages and necessary preparations. And one of them is that the idea of going out against the Kufr regimes should be the dominant idea among the majority of the Muslims.
And until the time that these are fulfilled, there is no objection according to the Shari'ah - if you find the ability and are safe from a greater evil occurring - to acting on this, by eliminating - on an individual basis - those whose Fitnah is threatening the lands and the people, from among the ruling Tawagheet of Kufr and injustice, and putting the people and the land to rest from them... for eliminating one of the ruling Tawagheet of Kufr and injustice and removing him from the path of the people is easier than effecting a rebellion and overthrowing the entire regime along with all of its special organisations!

[6] So if it is said: What about the Mabahith (the intelligence services), the security services, the Mukhabarat, the agents of the regime... what is the stance towards them?

I say: The Mabahith and the agents of the Mukhabarat are the guard dogs of the Taghut who stay up to protect the Taghut and his rule and his oppression... I do not advise dealing with them - nor with other than them from the guard dogs of the rulers, except one whose Fitnah has grievously afflicted the land and the people - especially in lands such as the Arabian Peninsula, for fear of widening the circle of the conflict, falling into what is forbidden, frightening the peaceful people - except in the case of self-defence... So if they catch up with you, O brother Mujahid, and seek to kill you or imprison you and persecute you away from your religion, then by all means deal with them... fight them with a clear heart, facing them and not retreating, and if they kill you - while you are defending yourself and your religion and your honour - then you will be from the people of Paradise... and if you kill them - while they are implementing the orders of the Taghut by killing you or arresting you or persecuting you away from your religion - then they are in the Hell-fire, as is mentioned in the authentic Hadeeth.

With this I answer your question and the question of all of the other brothers who asked questions similar to yours...

And all praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists.

* Jihad in the lands of the Arab Peninsula

((This article is written by Shaheed Muqrin (ra) - Abu Hajir Abd al-Aziz bin Isa al-Muqrin - The great Mujahid martryed by the kufrian Saudi Ibleesi government. Muqrin (ra) who was the leader of Muqatilien trying to expel the Americans from Arabian Peninsula and to destroy the Iblessiyan Saudi regime and to re-establish the Islamic Khilafah in the Holy Land.
May ALLAH accept his shahadat. Ameen...thumma Ameen..!!!
- abu muQatil))
Praise be to God, and Peace and Blessings on His Messenger, our Prophet Muhammad and on his family and companions.

Certainly among the most important [things] for the Mujahideen youth and those desiring Jihad for God’s sake in the Arab Peninsula is for them to have a clear idea of the nature of the act of Jihad and how they can take part in it and for which they will find forgiveness before Allah Almighty. The previous era was full of lessons and trials which we must take benefit from in order to advance our operations and elevate our Jihad against the enemies of the faith.

This is only confirmed by the plethora of questions, requests and messages from our true brothers – for by God this is the depth of our esteem for them – yearning for the field of action to open for them in the service of Islam and Jihad for God’s sake. They are calling for direction and longing to join the columns of Mujahideen. A number of others are asking permission to act, [while other] groups have given proposals, critiques, or observations on the Jihad activity during the past era. Therefore, it is appropriate to explain the following.

It is necessary that Muslims be aware of the Jihad in this country [Saudi Arabia] to establish the Shari’ah and expel the occupying crusaders and apostates. This is incumbent upon every legal aged adult including the scholars and public, the righteous and the immoral, the rich and poor, men and women; for it is absolutely necessary that people understand that this obligation isn’t restricted to the wanted 19 or 26 [on the Saudi most wanted list]. Even if the Saudi regime is determined to secure [the idea that the Jihadi resistance is not more widespread], we must not be deceived, for those brothers – God fortify the Faith through them – were none other than the vanguard for the Muslim community and I consider them to have played a great and historic role in inciting mankind and informing [mankind] of the truth and of their just cause.
They broke through the obstacle of awe and fear which the regime has been intent on maintaining for decades, and those Mujahid youth rooted it out in those few months – by the grace and mercy of God – and played a great role in providing live, tangible and real examples [to follow] on the principle of trust in God, in what is right, and of patience and other prerequisites of the [noble] heart’s labors. All that remained for them to do was to stick to that path. And I consider that even if they become martyrs one and all, the record [of their deed] stands, as does that of those brothers who aided them. The role of the Muslims after them will therefore be to take up the banner and complete the journey. Therefore it is only from lack of intelligence and judgment that one would think that this major legal obligation is confined to a few individuals, while others fail to see that the responsibility and burden incumbent upon those [the Mujahideen] are incumbent upon them too.

One’s duty, then, is the undertaking, endeavor and pioneering, of the obligation of Jihad for God’s sake. The Muslim should not seek to rely on a few Mujahideen, but rather direct his efforts toward this [obligation]. Such an obligation is also certainly upon whomsoever God has granted knowledge in the arts of war and military technology, or anyone who has had previous training anywhere. [These people’s obligation] is greater, while those who do not share their military capabilities should aid them as far as they can, and provide them what they need or cannot do without, of this there is no doubt.

It is not a praiseworthy thing that brothers desiring Jihad should wait to receive permission from one of those engaged in Jihad in the Arabian Peninsula, since [there is no need for a further command] after a command from God (It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger to have any option about their decision: if any one disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a clearly wrong Path. 33:36). For God has ordered Jihad and there is nothing left but to obey and act. So let the Mujahid seek help from those among his brothers he can trust and remain exceedingly cautious. [The law requires this obedience to action], so let them [together] set up a cell that will get itself ready and select legitimate targets, which God permits to be so targeted, and carry out its operations, seeking succor from God and placing reliance upon Him. However, they should see to it that their work is uninterrupted, and continues as far as their ability and strength allows – until they are enabled to join their Mujahideen brothers in the land of the Two Holy Mosques [Saudi Arabia].

Certainly the Mujahideen of al-Qaeda are keen on guiding the Muslim community towards realizing such acts by way of Jihadist publications, booklets, and jihadist reference works which have in them much good, in particular if the Mujahid comes across an expert to help him and instruct him. The Mu`askar al-Battar and the book Hakadha nara al-jihad wa nureeduh [“This is how we see the Jihad and how we wish it”, by Hazim al-Madani] are two useful examples for anyone who seeks [the way of Jihad], for through these books he can discover the way to operate and study the best ways and policies listed there for the purpose of achieving our objective and realizing our goals. [These publications] give us a summary of the method and provide us with the experiences of those prior to us.

Those in the know are aware that al-Qaeda is an organization which utilizes a system of cells in which every cell relies on God first, then on its own abilities and for the most part it does not follow traditional organizational connections. For Qaedat al-Jihad [the Jihad of al-Qaeda] pursues the publication of the concept [of Jihad] and spreads the word to the greatest extent possible while the various, disparate cells guarantee – God willing – the greater continuity of [carrying out the Jihad]. The Yanbu cell, which carried out the heroic and successful operation this month, is one of the finest and most eloquent examples of this, illustrating what is required [in the way of Jihad]. Our brother Abu Ammar Mustafa al-Ansari – God have mercy on him – was among the best of the young Mujahideen, honed by the theatres of Jihad such as Afghanistan and Somalia, in the same way that they honed our brother Abd al-Muhsin (Hasan al-Makki) who fought in Afghanistan and Bosnia and tried to enter the Peninsula but was unable. He [Abd al-Muhsin] was restless, but bore his trials and tribulations until he managed to enter the territory of Ogaden, where he became a martyr as a result of an ambush set up by the enemies.

Our brother Mustafa returned to the Arabian Peninsula but the opulent life of its people didn’t suit him, so he determined not to become one of the group of ‘Those That Sit Still’ – God saved him from that. When he saw the tragic state in which the Muslim community lives, there was communication and correspondence between us, and he made a fine promise to us and it was not long before he fulfilled his promise; he struck the enemy at an important economic point, which had a great impact on the international petroleum markets, and the impact of that is still felt today. I ask God to accept him and his brothers as martyrs and bless them with his infinite grace and beneficence. This blessed act is an excellent model and example for all who ask about the Way or seek permission to join the Mujahideen at a time when security precautions require that we guard against any behavior that may be to the detriment of or result in the defeat of the Mujahideen.

A particularly important matter is spreading the enemy thin and dispersing his forces; [also important is] ensuring that the brothers are made aware of the need to be able to [carry out continuous] operations and have ample resources for preparation – which will ensure the continuation of the cell – through donations and the performance of duties, without exaggeration or excess.

When I say this, I do not mean [giving donations or the performance of duties] is a way to avoid the obligation [of Jihad] or as some means of lightening this responsibility; for we are still beholden to the pact – we ask God for endurance, and for moral and financial support – and we say to one and all: blood is blood, and destruction is destruction; and you shall see from us what will gladden and soothe hearts, God permitting, not only in the land of the Two Holy Mosques but in the other Islamic countries as well. (There is no help except from Allah. The Exalted, the Wise 3:126)

* From the darkness of Kufriyan Saudi Dungeon

In the Darkness of a Saudi Dungeon Eye Witness Account of Torture in a Saudi Prison

In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Kind...
I don't know what to say in the beginning and how to start the story, but I find myself forced to speak the truth and to let the world know about the biggest hypocrite regime on the face of the Earth. Words are not sufficient for me to describe what happened.

I returned from the Jihad in Afghanistan, where I had gone to help the oppressed Muslims and fulfil my duty to Allah (Subhannah wa Ta'aala). One night I was sleeping with my family at my home in Al-Khobar, in the Eastern Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. My family heard a loud knocking on the front door which frightened them. My brother went to open the door, and as soon as he tried to open the door, the visitors forced their way into the house and put him up against the wall. They also got my other family members up against the wall. They forcefully woke me up from my sleep, dragged me by my clothes and put me against the wall as well. They started to swear at me: "You son of an adulteress! You dog! Where are the weapons in your house ?" I told them that I did not have any weapons in my house. Then they started to beat me, in front of my family. They began searching my house and went through my things. Then they handcuffed me and took me in a car to the headquarters of the intelligence services.

When we reached the headquarters, they forced me out of the car and took me to one of the rooms. In that room, they removed all of my clothes and started to laugh whilst commenting on my 'awrah (private parts). When I asked them why they were doing that, they said that it was part of the search procedures. They gave me back my clothes, took me to another room and told me to wait there. The room was very cold and I waited for eleven hours before anyone came.

I had gone to sleep in a chair, and was woken up by a slap across my face. Then someone said to me: "How dare you sleep, you dog!"
Then he started to swear at me, calling me a homosexual, a fornicator with my mother and a fornicator with my sister. I said to him: "Don't say that. It is not Islamically permissible.
" He gestured to two guards to hit me. They hit me a number of times. Then he said: "Don't teach us our Deen. We know it better than you."
Then three officers entered. Their names are as follows: Ahmad Muhammad Al Ba'aadee, Nida Al Oteibi, Samir Rashid Al Qahtani. They had all been educated in the USA. They sat down and, when they saw me, they said: "His face does not suit interrogation, as there is not enough blood on it."
Then a large soldier came and slapped me across my face a number of times until blood appeared. After that they asked me: "Where did you learn to be a Mujaahid?"
I told them, "From the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (salallaahu 'alayhee wa sallam)." Then they said: "Liar! Liar! The Book and the Sunnah did not tell you to disobey the walee amr (ruler of the Muslims) and to fight the Islamic State." I told them that I had not fought the Islamic State. They said: "You don't speak, only we speak!" Then they asked me hundreds of questions over nine hours.

During the questioning, the subject of Shaykh 'Abdullaah Azzam - the Shaheed (Martyr) scholar of the Mujahideen in Afghanistan, came up. I told them that the Saudi government portrayed a good image of him in the media. Then one of the officers, Ahmad Muhammad Al-Ba'aadee said: "We know the truth about 'Abdullaah Azzam. He called all the young beardless boys to Afghanistan in order to carry out homosexual acts with them under the guise of Jihad."
Eventually I asked them: "Why am I here? I want to know!" I wished I hadn't asked. They said: "It seems as if you didn't have a good tarbiyyah (upbringing)." They then ordered the guards: "Teach him some manners!" And the guards beat me until the officers said: "Enough!" I was then taken and thrown in the cells.

The next day they returned and asked me: "Why did you go for Jihad?" I told them that I went for Jihad to help the Muslims and gain victory over the Kaafirs (disbelievers). They said: "Liar!You want to overthrow the Saudi regime." I said that that wasn't true. Then they questioned me for six hours. They asked me where I had hidden the weapons and the explosives. I told them that I did not have any of these things. They asked me more questions and I told them that I didn't know. They ordered the guards to take me to a room and make me stand until further notice. I thought I would be made to stand only for one day, being provided with food. In actual fact, they made me stand for eight days giving me only water but neither food nor a moment's sleep. When I used to make salah (prayer), I used to make long prostrations in order to rest. One of the officers used to come and kick me, lifting my neck with his foot. He would say: "Don't make long prostrations! Get up!" and he would swear at me.
He used to do this whilst I was in salah! After the eighth day I felt I was near to my death, since I had had neither food nor sleep for eight days. Then one of the officers came and called me.
They gave me food and drink and said: "Now that we have saved you from death, you will speak and tell us where the weapons and the explosives are." I told them that I did not know because I did not have anything. They said: "It seems that you have still not learnt any manners."
They took me to a room, sat me on a chair and attached electrodes to my hands and legs. The officer turned the switch on to 30V. He asked me where the weapons and the explosives were. I said to myself that I would not reply except with 'La ilaha ill Allah'. He started to increase the voltage to 60V, 90V then 120V. When he reached 150V, I fell unconscious. I awoke after one day. They took me to the same room, and poured cold water over me in preparation of more electric shocks. At that point I said: "OK! I'll tell you where the weapons and the explosives are." They asked me where, to which I replied: "I left them in Afghanistan." They then started to beat me and swear at me again.
For two days I was not given any food. Then one of the officers asked me whether I wanted to eat. I replied in the affirmative. He asked me which restaurant would I prefer to eat from. I replied: "Masha Allah, you have five star service here!" He said: "In fact, you'll see that we have ten star service here." Then he began to laugh and I wondered why he laughed. He took me to a room and asked me what I wanted to eat. I thought he was serious. I said: "A cheeseburger from 'Hardees'." He said: "What else?" I said: "French Fries." He asked: "And what else?" I said: "A Pepsi." He asked me if I wanted anything else, and I replied that that was sufficient. Then he said: "What do you think if we also get you an Apple Pie?" I said: "Yes, yes, bring that too!" He told me to wait there and he left the room.

After a while, he returned with four well-built men. He pointed to the men and said: "This is 'Cheeseburger', 'French Fries', 'Pepsi' and 'Apple Pie'. They will serve you your meal insha'Allah."
I was sat in a chair, with my hands laid out flat on a table. The man he named 'Cheeseburger' came and with a long cane, he struck the backs of both of my hands until they became blue. The officer asked whether I had eaten my fill with the 'Cheeseburger'. I wanted to say yes, but I was in so much pain that I couldn't reply. Next came 'French Fries'.
He brought with him three canes and said: "These must be broken today!" He started to beat me across my back. By the Mercy of Allah, all three canes broke very soon. I don't know how many times he had struck me, since after the third strike, I stopped feeling any pain. Then came 'Pepsi' and 'Apple Pie'. They laid me on my back on a table, and brought something known as a 'falakah'. This is like a short, thick, wooden log with a short rope stretching from one end to another. They inserted my feet through the rope, and rotated the log against my shins, winding the rope and tightening my feet together. Each person held an end of the log and raised it, so that my feet were up in the air. Then a third person came and with a long, thin cane, beat the soles of my feet until they were covered in blood (as a result I wasn't able to stand for about six days, since the soles of my feet had become torn). I pleaded with them to stop but they did not listen and continued to beat me.
After four hours of torture, they stopped and left the room. The officer returned and asked me if I wanted any other food. I said: "No I am full." He asked if I would like some cake as a dessert after my meal. I was extremely angry and replied: "Get lost you kafir! You dog! You dajjal! You American agent! You Israeli agent! You Cross worshipper." He clapped his hands twice and three men entered with three glass tanks. In each tank there was a snake. He teased me: "Shall we release these, leave you and go? Shall we? I'm a kafir am I? I'm a dog am I? We will release these and also bring some scorpions." One of the snakes was as thick as my arm and one was a cobra. "They will entertain you!" he said and he gave the order for the glass cases to be opened. I became very frightened and I called him. I started to cry and said: "I'll tell you everything, and I won't hide anything from you. Just take these snakes away." The officer became very happy. He stroked my beard and my head, saying "Masha Allah. You are a good boy now. You have become well-mannered." He started to wipe my tears, saying: "Don't cry little boy. I'm like your father."

I marvelled at Allah's patience with this man.

They unshackled me and I told them I couldn't walk. The officer said: "Don't worry. We are at your service." and he ordered the others to carry me to the interrogation room. By now I was psychologically destroyed. I gave them information about the brothers, but I didn't tell them everything.
And Allah knows that I didn't tell them anything, until after I had reached a state of psychological destruction.

For the one who is reading this account of mine is not like the one who has been through it.
I ask Allah to excuse me on the Day of Judgement.

* Our will


I want to clarify and to reiterate the goals we wish to accomplish, with Allah's help, and to respond to some doubts about the mujahideen, raised by the scholars of evil, who level such accusations against them. First of all, the goal of our jihad is to elevate the word of Allah, to drive the polytheists out of the peninsula of Muhammad, to apply his law in all aspects of life and on all people, and to remove injustice from our oppressed brothers everywhere."

"To all the Muslim peoples wherever they may be, I say:

How long will you remain silent? How long will you accept this humiliation and degradation? How long will you continue to be ruled by the law of the tyrants, yet remain silent? Where is your Islam? Where is your worship of Allah? Islam is not a religion in name only - it is a religion of faith and action. The Crusaders, the Hindus, the Zoroastrians, and their apostate helpers rule and control you and your brothers. They are fighting against your religion, and are fighting you in your livelihood. They are violating your honor, yet you remain silent. Have your humiliation and degradation brought you that low? Would you agree to become apostates, Jews, or Christians? Would you agree to abandon the religion of Islam?"

"I ask every Muslim on the face of the earth: Would you agree that one of these infidels enter your home, and violate the honor of your sister, your mother, or your daughter? Of course you would not. The women in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Indonesia, Kashmir, and the Philippines are our sisters, our mothers, and our daughters. I am amazed how you can continue to sleep undisturbed, while your brothers are being killed, and the honor of your sisters is being violated. Awaken from your slumber, and support your oppressed brothers. Fight for the sake of Allah, and you will receive one of the two good things: victory or martyrdom."

"To the security forces, I say:

I am amazed at you. When you are told to wage jihad, you cling to this world. But when [Saudi Interior Minister Prince] Naif Bin Abd Al-'Aziz tells you to sell your souls to his government and to fight for his sake, and to defend the Americans, in exchange for 3,000 riyals and hell - you are willing to sell your souls cheaply. Have you stooped so low? Are your souls worthless for you? He calls you 'martyrs of duty,' but think what you will say to Allah if you meet him, after having killed a mujaheed who fought for the sake of Allah, in order to defend the Americans, or if he killed you when you were defending the tyrants. Stop working for the tyrant, and join the mujahideen, otherwise - you know full well who the mujahideen are, and what they have prepared for those who stand in their way."

"To the Saudi government, I say:

All I say to you is what the Prophet Muhammad said to the infidels of Qureysh, when he was alone: 'I have brought slaughter upon you.' By Allah, your kingdom will come to an end. The mujahideen will defeat you. Do you know why? Because Allah supports us, and no one supports you. Do you know why? Because Allah said in the Koran: 'If you support Allah, He will support you,' and we trust and believe in the promise of Allah. If you only knew what our young men have in store for you, you would be busy arranging your escape from this peninsula."

"To the Americans, I say:

Get out of the peninsula of Muhammad, and all the lands of the Muslims, and stop supporting the Jews in Palestine and the Christians in the lands of the Muslims. Otherwise, you will encounter only death, destruction, and explosions."

"To the Indians, I say:

Once India was the land of Islam. You kickout the Muslims from the rule and establish your kufriyan rule. You killed our brothers and sisters in Kashmir, Amritsar, Hyderabad and other parts of India. You destroyed our Masjids and you burned the kalima of Allah, our constitution, Al Quran. You are targeting our youths and killing our youths in the name of terroism. If you will not stop this destruction we will bring you death and destruction. We will destroy all temples and target your leaders. We are the sons of Mahmud Ghazni. We are the followers of Shah Waliyullah Dehlawi. And we are the army of Muhammad bin Qasim and Sayyid Ahmed Shahid. We are the tongues of Shah Ismail Shaheed. "